Here is a handy little list of the most commonly used injectors, their part numbers and flow ratings for the turbo Dodge cars built from 1984-1993
4418474/5 Stock Turbo I 27 lbs/hr at 55psi P4452803 Mopar Performance 27 lbs/hr at 55psi 4418258 Stock Turbo II (89 vintage) 33 lbs/hr at 55psi P4452804 Mopar Performance 33 lbs/hr at 55psi 4418213 2.5L/Turbo II supersedes to "895" 33 lb/hr at 55psi 5277895 2.5L/Turbo II (current stock replacement) 33 lb/hr at 55psi P4529495 Mopar Performance +20% 42 lbs/hr at 55psi P5249452 Mopar Performance Super 60 +40% 52 lbs/hr at 55psi
So since the silver units that came out of the 88 T1 are marked "Deka 4418475" a 27 lb/Hr injector I can't use them in my 89 CSX which wants to have 33 lb/Hr injectors.
4275312 84 Turbo I, good part number. Bosch 4306024 85-86 Turbo I, supersedes to 4418255, then to 4418474 Bosch 4418475 88 CSX-T, Turbo I Deka 4418474 MP: 4452803 (4 pack) current 2.2 Turbo I Deka 4306018 87 Shelby Z Turbo II; supersedes to 4418258, then to 5277895 Bosch 4418335 Unknown on 89-93 fuel rail, not a good part number Bosch 4418258 89 Turbo II / 89 2.5 Turbo I, supersedes to 5277895 Bosch 4418213 91 16V / 89 Turbo II, supersedes to 5277895 Deka 4504322 Unknown-Turbo II?, supersedes to 5277895 Unknown 5277895 MP: P4452804 (4 pack) current 2.5 TI/TII/TIII/TIV injector Deka P4532170 MP: P4529495 (4 pack) +20% Deka P4529176 MP: P4529495 (4 pack) +20% Siemens P4532586 MP: P5249452 (4 pack) +40% Super 60 Deka