Rockauto discount code: 295086661175949670 (valid to April 2Oth, 12 Midnight Central Time)

Shift Rods and Shifters

L-BODY HEIM JOINT SHIFT ROD SETS (Replaces Chrysler or Mopar 4348401 ball joint, 4348441 rod, 4329034 rod, 4295368 rod)

These three styles of Dodge and Plymouth (L-body) heim joint shift rod sets allow you to improve the shift and feel of your 1982-1990 Dodge and Plymouth L-body car like the Shelby Charger, Omni, Shelby GLHS, Horizon, Rampage, Prospector and Scamp quickly and easily. These products replace shift rods on all 4 speed and 5 speed turbo and non-turbo cars and replace the following Chrysler or Mopar part numbers:

4348401 ball joint, 4348441 rod, 4295368 rod, 4295368 rod 4329034 rod, 4269872 rod


Want to improve the quickness of your shift in a 4 or 5 speed L-body car such as the Dodge Shelby Charger, Omni, Horizon, Scamp, Rampage or Shelby GLHS car?

...then pick up one of our upgraded L-body “Quick-Shifter” short shift assemblies that has been modified to reduce the shift travel down from 5.5" to just 4" across opposite gears. (Like from 1st to 2nd or 3rd to 4th or 4th to 5th.) That is about 30% less travel but it feels quite a bit shorter and very tight. The shifting effort feels the same with no noticeable increase in shifting effort. It just feels so much nicer.