Rockauto discount code: 294175569264423592 (valid to March 21st, 12 Midnight Central Time)


These are genuine Mopar, factory style, direct fit replacement auxiliary/radiator electric fan motors and complete restored radiator fan assemblies for the 1986 and 1987 Shelby GLHS cars.  This includes both the GLHS Omni from 1986 and the GLHS Shelby Charger from 1987. You can choose to purchase the complete fan assembly with motor, shroud and original style Shelby fan blade, or just a replacement electric motor. The motor is specifically for use on the Shelby GLHS cars and bolts directly in place as the original one does and using the standard swept blade plastic fan blade.

The complete restored fan assembly with shroud and blades can also be used on other turbo Dodge cars that were originally TII(T2) equipped with the smaller radiator and side mount intercooler.  Using this style fan gives more serviceability and easier access to the front of the engine, especially the oil filter!